From 7-Figure Startups to Dream Doula - An Entrepreneurial Awakening - Claire Sellers

Show notes

In this magical episode of Champagne Circus, I sat down with Claire, the Dream Doula, to delve into her unique business approach and personal journey from corporate life to entrepreneurship in Mexico. I’m your host, Yvonne Stoffel, and I am excited to unpack in this episode Claire’s insights on simplifying the business startup process, the importance of clarity, trust, and support, and how she transitioned from leading a large team to running a lean, successful online business.

In this episode, you'll discover a treasure trove of empowering insights, fearless wisdom, and bold perspectives that are sure to ignite your passion and fuel your drive. Tune in for a journey that'll leave you inspired, motivated, and ready to conquer whatever comes your way.

Claire Sellers is known as the dream doula, a business coach who specializes in helping women give birth to their business ideas. She has a background in building seven-figure startups and has traveled the world learning from various healers and coaches.

Don't miss this chance to tap into Claire's expertise and learn how to elevate your leadership, foster genuine connections, and drive sustainable success in the fast-paced world of business. Tune in now to unlock valuable insights and strategies.

Additional resources: Links Claire Sellers Special Offer to our Champagne Circus Community: Access the free mini course, The Dream Clarity Toolkit here:

Links Yvonne Stoffel: Follow me on Instagram to connect and chat:

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