From Heartbreak to Clarity: Kasia Krasucka's Online Business Success Story

Show notes

In this episode we have an exceptional guest with us, Kasia Krasucka, whose unique entrepreneurial journey touches on the heart of not just business, but the very essence of self-discovery and growth.

Kasia started her online venture teaching Danish to Polish speakers as a rebound from personal heartbreak, but her path quickly evolved into so much more than a simple business model. She found herself grappling with the pressure of crafting a clear vision and the quest for authenticity, a challenge many entrepreneurs face, but few speak openly about.

In our episode, Kasia candidly shares the turmoil she faced in her third year of business, wrestling with her purpose and the courage it took to step back and reassess not just her business goals, but her personal passions. With the guidance of a mentor, Kasia bravely hit pause on her online business and embarked on a period of self-reflection that reinvigorated her approach to her work and her community.

This discussion is an exploration of the intimate relationship between our private passions and public ventures. Kasia will take us through her transformation into embodiment coaching, and how staying true to oneself can lead to a business that not only thrives financially, but also resonates deeply with its audience. Our dialogue will delve into the power of silence, meditation, and self-awareness, and the transformational impact they can have on both personal and business growth.

As we unravel the essence of entrepreneurship beyond the financial chase, join us for this soul-stirring episode as Kasia's story prompts us to question our own paths and the authenticity we bring into our endeavors.

Links Kasia: Website: Instagram: LinkedIn: Join Kasia's free Facebook group for transformative inspiration here Learn how to say NO - Join Kasia's newsletter and gain exclusive access to a video where you'll learn effective strategies for saying "No" with confidence and grace Links Yvonne:

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