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Show notes

Hello and welcome to Champagne Circus, business with a female twist. I am thrilled to share a very special solo episode with you today, offering a glimpse behind the scenes of Champagne Circus and diving into the philosophy and essence of our podcast. For over two years, the idea of becoming a podcast host has been brewing in my mind, but it took personal growth challenges to eventually bring this dream to life.

Champagne Circus was not conceived simply for visibility and business purposes, but with the intention of providing valuable and serving content. I wanted to create a space for shortcuts – shortcuts for female business owners to build businesses that align with their life needs, circumstances, and dreams. It's about constructing a business we love living in, one that embodies ease, fun, and a lighthearted approach, diverging from the traditional paradigm of growing and building a business in the hustle mode.

In my mind, the role of a business owner often feels akin to that of a circus director – setting the stage, creating an ambiance, managing a diverse team, and ensuring a seamless experience for the audience. This parallels the responsibilities, skills, and emotional juggling that come with running a business. This episode delves into the unique needs and challenges faced by female business owners, and highlights the importance of creating a supportive environment for sharing experiences, ideas, and perspectives.

I am excited to invite you to join me at Champagne Circus, raising a glass of champagne as we discuss the challenges, ideas, inspirations, and learnings that can serve as shortcuts in our business journeys.

Your input and engagement are crucial in shaping the future of this podcast, so I encourage you to share your thoughts and spread the word. Let's come together to create businesses we truly love living in. Thank you for tuning in, and I look forward to meeting you in the next episode. Cheers!


Your feedback would be highly appreciated! You can send it to me via Instagram, or via Speakpipe: https://www.speakpipe.com/ChampagneCircus (voice message)

Follow me on Instagram to connect and chat: https://www.instagram.com/yve.stoffel/

Discover our community and ways to work directly with me: https://linktr.ee/yvestoffel

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