Champagne Circus - Trailer

Show notes

Welcome to Champagne Circus - Business with a Female Twist!

I'm your host, Yvonne Stoffel, and I'm thrilled to have you with us. In this podcast, we go beyond the typical business discussions to explore the journey, challenges, and dreams of running a business. Just like friends in a mastermind, we'll share ideas and learn from each other, focusing not just on financial success, but on creating a meaningful impact.

Each episode features experts and successful female entrepreneurs who share their strategies and secrets for success, covering everything from business models to personal growth.

Join us at Champagne Circus and follow this podcast today to be part of this empowering conversation. Together, let's make our dreams a reality and change the world because here, it's all about business with a female twist. Cheers to you and cheers to us! Links:

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